Benefits to the members
- All registered and paid up members are eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM). However, for purposes of election, only full members are eligible to stand and be elected to office.
- In addition all the registered and paid members are entitled to a complimentary copy of all UDN publications.
- Towards financial self-reliance (Endowment Fund) UDN strives to achieve financial self-reliance. UDN has instituted an Endowment Fund Policy to raise funds from supporters, sponsors and other stakeholders. The funds are invested in high interest bank accounts or other income sources so thatonly interest is annually ploughed back into UDN programmes.
- You can be part of this process by contributing annually to UDN Endowment Fund. For a start, all registered full members will in addition to an annual subscription fee, contribute to theendowment fund.
The UDN Membership Fees
For more inquiries kindly call the membership officer on:
0700 431 573